Monday, 4 January 2010

concluding 2009

i know i have promised to conclude so much of the year 2009. geeez. dont think i have time. hehe. but its okay i'l give you some pictorial feed of the year. (read:pictorial feed. very rare!)


okay this is not 2009 but it was our winter holiday at Bath.i just want to upload this pic :)

new year parade at London

oh wanchik is in town!
n i get to stay at one of the Park Lane hotels..weehoo :)

moment of the month:
jeff kept taking my snaps. i dont know already how to pose n i thought to myself, omg jeff u tengah buat i malu niiii....*blush*


hana's first day here
herman the landlord, hana the tenant and jeff the estate agent
14th february...the night where i got a flower delivery on my door late night :D
yeayyyyy london is snowing..we played in the snow and made a little snow man sbb sangat sejuk..anyways the upper picture is the picture of my front yard n the lower one is the picture of my back yard...ffrrreeeeeezing cold

moment of the month:
ayah playing in the snow!sooo cute!!


celebrating kak nana's graduation :D
kak nana was here for her graduation and ap was here for holiday!
i get the chance to visit paris n barcelona!
school sweethearts..our first girl is getting maried!
the newly weds
aww my bestest friend is married.sedih but her so much!
jumpe munshi after mara interview having a cup of cendol.i miss hanging out with munshi :)

moment of the month:
before going back to london.atleast now i know she's got a hubby to turn to :)


sun starts coming out.we went out for a picnic :)
visitors from malaysia and dining with frens :)
jason mraz concert!ive always dreamt of watching jason mraz with my boyfren.this year,it came true!love abang mraz n abang jef!

moment of the month:
encik mrazz performing on so happyy that we got to watch him in london because i heard in kl it was very crowded!


opah wanted to visit so she made a plan with mama n baba :)
so we went touring and this is baba's uni in loughborough
mama n baba <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">happy month!

moment of the month:
mama n baba at the rose garden, regents park <3>


nur and nour..arent they sweet!
sun is out..lets sunbathe!
MJ passed away..tributes from fans
the day out with cuzzie and boyfie..we went to watch Transformers and both cousin n boyfren drooling over Megan Fox as if i was not there!lol

moment of the month:
my chef cooking sambal with goggle sbb mata pedih..aint he cute?


weekend getaway to Edinburgh
fishing and camping at Perth and BBQ at Edin National Park :)

i was summoned to go back and attend BTN.but it turned out to be fun!

moment of the month:en jefriman sabar fixing the rod..and he looks so cute aww i love this guy!!


bbq and introducing mjjaj to my beloved closest ones :)
one wedding that i managed to attend while im in kl
we played in a league and Veritas won 1st place!!i was the goalie!!
the bestest who will always be there :)

moment of the month:
was really glad my besties love him!n i love him even more!!!


last outing with the girls...

moment of the month:
snapped by nurin :)


jadi buruh kasar as part of my project..:P

jeff's family came for holiday so took them to see the London Eye and Big Benjefriman's graduation :)

moment of the month:
noww i cant wait to graduate like this guy and go back to my family and to him :)


birthday celebration and bonfire night with my group :)
Bologna with my Unit :)
Milan with my Unite :)

moment of the month:
'modular man' pose by Le Corbusier


its christmas sale!!!
Poksu, Moksu n Khalid in London!
Eurostar got upgraded to first class!!
Bella la konon
Daniela's birthday party
i wish these kids are mine!they look like angels awww

moment of the month:
our picture with the christmas tree..what a happy holiday! :D

yeah pictures managed to say so much more.
what an eventful year!

good bye 2009, hellooo 2010


Nadia.M said...

mila kawen n jason mraz made 2009 soooo memorable kan?

except we watched abg jason kt KL jek


Hanafedora said...

adah..comel la u nih!!! hehe untung jeff dpt u..awwwwww...bile nk jumpa i? I nk jumpa u n ido skali...rindu kt ido.. jom kita keluar makan or something? :)