My oh my its the end of March now. How time flies. And how I have struggled my way through to where I am now. I have difficulties with design and many many time I woke up with an intense love/hate feeling for architecture. \the newer iconic ones turn me off. Where have all the richness gone to?
Last month I arranged cupcakes delivery for Mr Jefriman to be on the 15th March. We could the most plan but He has his own plans and Jeff was posted to Sarawak for almost two weeks. So I had to arrange a flower delivery to his hotel and the cupcakes had to be delivered on Sunday instead. He had a nice surprise and i love him. And so does he. Even more!
Jeff was talking to me about work and how he has a vision to bring change to the nation. And he talked about joining politics. Err honey, I very much hope you're only joking. Politics are bull. Especially in Malaysia. I don't mean to interrupt with your dreams but I guess I have the right to say no, please don't. I love you too much to see you astray.
I could not care less if people doesn't know me. I admire those who are actively involved with clubs/societies. It's not that I am a snob for not joining the activities but I just don't have the time to. And most of the time I just don't feel like. I am not a people person so I find it a struggle to meet new faces and fake a smile to be in my best behaviour. I am sorry I am not friendly but hey, this is me.
That was why I was so cool when my laptop crashed. Of course, I freaked out because my works are all in the laptop and to the thought of living without it. But after a week I get the hang of living without laptop. I was cut off from the virtual world but its okay, it has no impact on me. And so I lived for almost two months without laptop. I did most of my models and hand drawing in the studio and if I need to use a computer, there is always the computer lab. Problem? What problem? :)
Baba bought me a new Dell Studio with cool specs. Thank you baba I love you so much! And so here I am typing with my new Dell. I have been using this laptop to do most of my assignments. The last assignment I handed in was professional studies review of a building. I wrote a review for Challis Damansara, the project I was working on when I was with AMB. And to no surprise, I had baba and mama to prove read my piece. And so they did within a very limited time. It came back as a very nice piece and I do hope I get good mark for it.
Baba and mama are going for umrah this coming April the 10th. Ema and Naya are tagging along. I wanted to ask them to pray for my success. In this world and the here after. So I could get it through this year with good grade. So I could pass next year with even better grade. And so I could marry this guy that I like to live with for the rest of my life. Nope, I am not ready yet but I hope by next year I will be ready. Insya Allah.
I have a paper due in April. On the 14th to be exact. Oh well it is just a 5000 words piece of writing. But I kept telling myself if I want to get baba and mama to prove read it for me, I have to finish it atleast by the 8th. Which is about 10 days away. I think I have ample of time to write it. Oh well lets hope I think right. Because with this attitude of waking up late and sleeping early and playing wii all day, I would bet on myself I will not finish it on time.
Wii oh wii. Why are you so seductive and addictive?
Come on raudah! Get your bum moving!
I thought of writing my assignment tonight but I went astray to blogging instead.
Ah well. Maybe tomorrow. For now, I just want to sleep.
I know. Its only half ten. But heck I dont have this chance everyday.
I am well tucked in. Night people!
Okay...No politics..
:) love u to the bits!
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